Pre-Christmas Chambers deadlines

Pre-Christmas Chambers deadlines

How convenient to have a 1st of December deadline, isn’t it? It’s without a doubt better than a 1st of January one! You can go into Christmas mode knowing that is all done and dusted. Unless, of course, you need to prepare a 1st Jan submission. Remember that for Chambers and Partners you need to use the submission form provided by them, include 20 work highlights from the previous year, and a list of referees who will be able to validate your work. Below a reminder of the submission deadlines for 1st of Dec 2017. Please note these are only for…
Lefosse Advogados hires Eduardo Soares

Lefosse Advogados hires Eduardo Soares

Lefosse Advogados has hired Eduardo Soares, co-founder of Soares Bumachar. Soares will head projects and infrastructure work. In 2011 he was a co-founder of Soares Bumachar. Previously he was a senior partner at Tauil & Chequer’s infrastructure offering from 2008. He was also the head of Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr & Quiroga’s energy practice from 1998 to 2008. Soares Bumachar has become L Bumachar Advogados following Soares' departure.