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The pros and cons of sponsored publications

The pros and cons of sponsored publications

If you are a partner in a law firm you are probably being inundated with invitations to participate in sponsored publications. Some invitations may be free of charge, but the majority involve a fee. We look in this short post at the pros and cons of sponsored publications.

The upside. Pay-to-publish can be a good way of raising the profile of your firm. The opportunity to show your expertise in a practice area and jurisdiction is valuable. Having your name and firm details on another website can help clients validate your firms’ expertise. This is also good for your firm’s SEO.

The downside. Publishers often promise high readership by the right people, wide circulation and an opportunity to be associated with other renowned firms and lawyers. However, in most cases they are not able to prove readership (often they won’t reveal traffic figures); and they often do very little to promote your article or publication.

In short, this is the deal: you write the article, you pay the publisher, they host the content on their site (often want copyright, too), and you have to promote it through your own means. Good deal?

My recommendation is to be very selective with sponsored publications. If you decide to participate in one of them have a plan and the resources to self-promote your article via your website, social channels, or by printing copies and distributing them in your office. This is the only way to make the most of your fee.

We can help you to identify worthwhile publications and make a strategic plan to make the most of your participation.

Contact us for a free non-commitment consultation.

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