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“I am a law firm. Where do I begin with my marketing?”

“I am a law firm. Where do I begin with my marketing?”

The number of marketing options available for law firms is huge. Where to begin? Here are few tips on how to get started marketing your law firm.

First things first

First things first. Consider your budget and the capacity of your team. Ask yourself how much time can you free up for marketing tasks. As a law firm, your main priority is to serve your clients on legal matters. Be realistic about how much time you can destine a week for marketing. It can be as little as one hour a week.

We assume you already have a website? If not, stop reading this post right now and get that set up first. In our digital world, clients will assume you are not a serious business if you don’t have a website so is important to get that in place first. You don’t have to create a state of the art website, a five-page site with the most basic information about your firm will be more than enough.

Marketing activity

For your marketing, we recommend getting started with a few things:

1. Prepare a submission to one of the legal directories. Submissions are for practice area and take place once a year.

2. LinkedIn. Set yourself a target of one post a week to start building a community around your firm.

3. Organise a breakfast or evening drinks with 20 potential clients to give them an update on your practice area. Network and follow up.

If you would like any support with your marketing strategy whether you’re already active or looking to start, our expert team can help.

We can help with all the above options. We can also help if you are not sure what you need.

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