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How can a law firm cope with Covid-19?

How can a law firm cope with Covid-19?

How do client-facing businesses continue to thrive in a lockdown? There are no concrete answers but, with a little adaptation, law firms can function and may even find some positives in the current unprecedented and concerning situation.

Use technology.

We don’t need Covid-19 to tell us that technology is here to stay. We all need to understand the basics, and this is the perfect time to improve your tech skills. Team software options, such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom and GoToMeeting, can mean that IT training sessions can take place either in department groups or one-on-one. Client meetings can still take place and some software allows for virtual signings.

Team focus.

Working from home isn’t for everyone and some may be struggling with the lack of social contact or trying to juggle work with looking after children. Others could be having a tougher time, possibly having lost a loved one or unable to contact them. It is vital that you keep in contact with each other. Encourage daily catch ups and give moral support so that everyone feels involved. Virtual ‘office drinks’ or a virtual ‘lunch’ may work and consider allowing parents to (virtually) introduce their children to the rest of the team.

Communicate with clients.

Clients need to know that you’re still available. Inform them of the steps that your firm is taking, reassure them of your availability and let them know how they can reach you and when. Remember to change the opening hours on your website or your google business listing if necessary.

Use the time constructively.

If client work begins to slow down, spend time doing the tasks that often fall behind, such as know-how and business development. Write articles and opinion pieces for the firm’s website or a journal, ask for client feedback or watch an online seminar.

It’s a strange and worrying time but keeping constructive and staying in touch can help things feel a little more normal; the daily commute will return at some point so until then, try to focus on the positives. 

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